What was making our clients’ life difficult?

Ambitious people make bold decisions. However, to make those towering goals a reality, sometimes, they may require some external help.

  • This is the story of one of our most ambitious clients, who has risen to great heights in the private equity industry. After achieving such success, they acquired two businesses comparable to each other. However, the technology stacks of both companies were different.
  • Maintaining two companies with similar IoT lines but different technologies was becoming a time-consuming and challenging task for them. The time and effort spent on maintenance alone did not allow time for the innovative stuff they could do if the tedious task was managed flawlessly without any need for supervision.
  • The requirement was simple. Our client intended to keep one system while preserving different branding for both newly acquired businesses.

What did we plan? And how did we execute it?

After extensively evaluating the situation, our team decided to connect with their acquisition team, understand their needs, and develop a single tech stack to easily maintain both businesses.

  • We started evaluating both technologies and picked up points where we could improve. Slowly we started merging both backend technologies, keeping the mobile applications of both businesses as it was. Our client was sure that the user experience should not change as both the products already had their brand and customers. We were sure that changes were only to be made to reduce operational tasks. We successfully merged two server-side technologies. As a bonus, the changes also gave us scope to improve mobile UI/UX design and make it user-friendly with a better look and feel.
  • Then it was time for the last part to merge two mobile applications without leaving any gaps in a single place, while maintaining the user sides experience different. It was complicated, but as per our plan, we were ready to do whatever it takes to build them an efficient tech stack. After months of hard work and brainstorming, we were able to make this happen without sacrificing any quality points.

How did it help our client?

As they say, hard work always pays off. In this case, it paid off as not only what we expected but even higher than that. We know that numbers never lie, right? The numbers we saw after the changes surprised our client and us. The changes cut down recurring operational server costs by over 50%. In addition, maintenance and development costs were reduced by 50%.

  • Internal numbers matter but external numbers give more validity. Here is what our client received from the user end. The newly developed apps of both businesses received ratings of whooping 4+ stars. And the final results which we wanted for our client also came true, they were able to focus on new products and features that they could offer as a result of reducing support issues for their server and applications. After seeing our client happy and satisfied with our work, we can safely say that all the efforts were worth it.

We were ready to go to any length to make his life easier and more efficient .